Our body needs both Alkaline and Acidic foods for maintaining the PH level in the body.
In general, all vegetables are alkaline and all fruits are acidic in nature.
A meal could be substituted with either a fruit or vegetables, but not both together as eating both acidic and alkaline foods at the same time do not server the purpose of eating healthy.
It is advisable to have a single/mono fruit (not in quantity though) rather than mixing different fruits for a single meal.
Vegetable salads are healthier, nutritious and tastier when taken in the right form. We can substitute a meal with raw vegetable salads which gives us more energy than a cooked diet. It is better to avoid Onion, Garlic, Lemon, Salt & Pepper in the vegetable salad.
Mixing and matching of vegetable salad depends on one's creativity and acceptability towards eating the raw salads.
Note: BSD means Basic Salad Dressing which is Tomato + Coconut + Coriander leaves (Kothamalli)
Carrot + Cucumber + BSD
Carrot + Capsicum + Cabbage + BSD
Carrot + Pudalangai + BSD
Carrot + Cabbage + BSD
Carrot + Zucchini + BSD
Carrot + Lettuce + BSD + Green Gram Sprouts
Cucumber + Capsicum + BSD + Green Gram Sprouts & Peanuts
Carrot + Beetroot + BSD + Green Gram Sprouts
Carrot + Cucumber + Palak greens + BSD
Beetroot + Chow chow + BSD + Ginger, Herbs
Pudalangai + Cucumber + Surakkai + BSD
Yellow Pumpkin + Coconut
Lady's Finger + Coconut + Green Gram Sprouts
Palak Greens + Cucumber + BSD
Carrot + Cauliflower + BSD
I will keep updating the different tried and tested salad recipes that are munchier, healthier and at the same time tastier...
Nice tips... Keep posting